HELP MAKE history
You can make a donation several ways and include:
Set up VENMO through App Store / Enter $ amount / Enter:
@quadcityirish / (Skip step when it asks for last 4-digits of phone
number) the amount will transfer directly to our Treasurer, Brian
Coopman and he will confirm receipt of your donation.
2. PayPal
Set up PayPal through App Store / Enter $ amount /
Enter: / Brian will track the payment and
transfer it to the Young Irish QCRFC account.
Mail your personal check made out to: Young IRISH QCRFC c/o
Greg Moroni, 2717 26th Avenue, Rock Island, IL 61201
Summary of Needs
Phase I: Summary of Needs
1. We need to create a professional video and advertising to attract bistate athletes to play for our Men's, Women's and Young IRISH Rugby teams. A quality video and advertising campaign will attract our demographic in newspapers, on television, thru direct mail and
social media platforms.
2. Complete set of Women's Rugby Jersey's and Kit
3. Funds to equip 2021 Summer 7s and Fall 15s full-contact rugby
4. Rookie Rugby games, clinics and Summer Camp Expenses
5. Costs to offset special Club Promotional Events and Clinics
6. Equipment and running expences
Tackling Dummies; Paint equipment for touch-lines; Tournament entry fees; Referees fees; Concussion protocols expenses; Athletico Trainer fees and facility rental fees
Phase II: Lifetime Social Membership Opportunity
For the long-term viability of the club and to maximize your gift please consider a $500 lifetime Social Membership to be paid in $100 increments for each of the next 5 years!